MPGCA: Resilience Action Event: What does climate resilience mean in practice? Showcasing risk management actions across and within sectors (Part II)


Welcome and Intro Quick recap of session 1 and outline main objective of session 2 Moderator: Maisa Rojas, Director, Center for Climate and Resilience Research, University of Chile, R2R Technical Secretariat


High Level Intro - David Howlett - R2R Champion 4 Highlight the actions aspect of session 2

  • Building on the MPGCA CLimate resilience pathway, Race to Resilience partners are already taking actions on the ground to increase the resilience of over 2 billion people and over 100 natural systems, in a huge geographical range using a wide variety of actions
  • R2R partners are also working on increasing resilience of people and nature through making cities, regions and companies more resilient, and by mobilising finance and sharing knowledge on climate risk management across sectors
  • The MPGCA Resilience Pathway has laid the groundwork for measuring resilience outcomes by detailing the risk management actions that can be taken to increase resilience
  • Race to Resilience will record and track partner current plans and outcomes in future years, thus allowing identification of gaps to be filled by new and existing partners.
  • The climate risk management actions urgently need to be scaled up across sectors and across the globe


Ground Truthing the Race to Resilience: what are the human centred actions that partners are taking?

In this session R2R partners are highlighting the work they do across different MPGCA Resilient Actions.

Moderator: Maisa Rojas will introduce 9 actions, already illustrated in part in the morning session and the partners that are undertaking these actions.

Each speaker has (5-7 min)

  1. Climate risk vulnerability assessments, disclosure & monitoring. RegionsAdapt - Thiago Pampolha, Secretary of Environment and Sustainability of Rio de Janeiro State (P) (with translator)
  2. Sharing knowledge & best practice on climate risk management International Coalition for Sustainable Infrastructure - Savina Carluccio, Head of Guidance and Standards (P), see Infrastructure Pathways)
  3. Nature-based solutions to reduce risks Scale for Resilience (virtual - prerecord): Claudia Veronica Moreno Recalde, Microfinance Institution Espoir
  4. Risk transfer: Insurance & social protection Insurance Development Forum - tbd
  5. Climate risk governance & capacity building Resilient Housing, Elizabeth Hausler, Founder & CEO Build Change (P) Guide to Resilient Housing)


How can the deployment of technology and finance for resilience be scaled up?

Short interview

Moderator: Maisa Rojas, CR2, R2R Technical Secretariat

Panelist: Mark Harvey, Daraja-Resurgence (P)


Closing and Call to Action David Howlett + high level representative (tbc)