MPGCA Land Use: Maximizing the contribution of land use to a 1.5 C climate neutral and resilient world

Setting the Stage: Land use sector is as a solution to climate change

Moderator: Mario Bocucci


  • Maka Monture, Indegenous and Youth representative, southeast Alaska
  • Natural Climate Solutions, opportunities to achieve the Paris Agreement. Peter Ellis, Forest Carbon Scientist TNC

Topic 1: Landscape Restoration Moderator: Jamison Ervin, NYDF Secretariat

1) [Pre2020 action] Global restoration movement: Bonn Challenge and Barometer of Progress

  • Carole Saint-Laurent, Deputy Director, Forest Conservation Programme IUCN

2) [Pre2020 action] New monitoring efforts: Global Restoration Platform

  • Paige Langer, Research Analyst, Forest Programme WRI

3) [Post2020] UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

  • Tiina Vahanen, FAO

4) [Vision 2050] Initiative: Building Resilience in the Central American Region under a Synergistic Approach between Mitigation and Adaptation - Focusing on Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) sector

  • Jorge Ernesto Quezada, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources El Salvador

5) [Vision 2050] Indigenous People’s

Topic 2: Forest conservation and REDD+

Moderator: Frances Seymour, Distinguished Senior Fellow WRI

1) [Pre2020 action] SFM at large scale

  • Paulo Hartung, Executive President IBA (TBC)

2) [Pre2020 action] Scaling Finance for Tropical Forest Protection

Eron Bloomgarden, Executive Director of Emergent

3) [Post2020] Government measures to finance restoration and SFM through resultbased payments

  • Jose Antonio Prado, CONAF Chile

4) [Vision 2050] Protecting forest sinks and reservoirs

  • Tom Evans, Director Forest Conservation and REDD+ Wildlife Conservation Society

5) [Vision 2050] Mesoamerican Fund for Strengthening Business Capabilities of

Indigenous Women and Community-Based Organizations, an opportunity for REDD + to include women living with forests.

  • Sara Omi, President of the Alto Bayano IP Congress and Coordinator of leader of “Women Territorial Leaders of Mesoamerica”.

Topic 3 Supply chains and food systems

Moderator: Ms. Maria Jose Sanz, Scientific Director of the Basque

1) [Pre2020 action] Key barriers to climate action in land use sectors and how to

break them

  • Kay Harrison, New Zealand Climate Change Ambassador

2) [Pre2020 action] High Carbon Stock Approach

  • Grant Rosoman, HCSA Executive

Committee member

3) [Post2020] Targets of 2030 climate action package of Germany under the Climate Action Plan 2050

  • Bernhard Osterburg, Thunen Institute

4) [Post2020] Transforming Food Systems Under Climate Change

  1. Deissy Martínez Barón, CCAFS Regional Coordinator for Latin America.

5) [Vision 2050] Shift of subsidies and fiscal incentives

  • Martien Van Nieuwkoop, Director, Agriculture and Food Global Practice, the World Bank

Topic 4: Greening cities

Moderator: Frances Seymour, Distinguished Senior Fellow WRI

1) [Pre2020 action] Making Cities Resilient & Cities With Nature

  • Yunus Arikan, Director of Global Advocacy, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability

2) [Post2020] Role local authorities are playing in improving forest awareness, management and conservation of cities’ forests

  • local government/city representative

3) [Vision 2050] A pathway for action for policymakers, finance and investment,

technology and innovation, activity implementers, and civil society to successfully re-greening cities by 2020, 2030, and 2050

  • Andres Flores, WRI Mexico

Topic 5: Finance for the forest and land use sector

Moderator: Josefina Brana-Valera, WWF

1) [Pre2020 action] Status of climate finance for the forest and land use sector

  • Paul Simpson, CDP’s CEO

2) [Pre2020 action] Finance4Forest Initiative

  • Jennifer Morris, CI’s President

3) Funding modalities for forest and land use activities

  • Janie Rioux, Senior Agriculture and Food Security Specialist, GCF

4) [Post2020] Global Environmental Facility

  • Gustavo Fonseca, Director of Programs - GEF 7

5) [Post2020] Bhutan for Life: Financing Permanent Protection for 51% of a Nation

with Benefits for Climate and People

  • Dr. Jigme Tenzin, Department of Forests and Park Services (DoFPS) of Bhutan
  • [Vision 2050] Private sector lead company

Closing: Roadmap for Land use Sector

Moderator: Mario Bocucci