MPGCA Industry: Systems transformation- Key enablers for 1.5°C aligned ambition in industry

1. Welcome and Introduction

  • Karl Vella, Climate Policy Manager, WBCSD

2. Opening Keynote

Industry Vision for 2050 – Science-based business action leading the way

  • Paul Simpson, CEO, CDP

3. Industry Leadership to 1.5°C 

Fireside Chat Format - Informal conversation between Moderator and 4 speakers.


Session context

The session will showcase the climate leadership of key industrial players who have already pledged to align business operations to achieve 1.5°C, including through their investment in innovation and research aimed at developing smarter and more effective solutions for mitigation, and building resilience. Increasingly industrial are taking the steps to recognise what these impacts may be on their workforce, and work with their unions and workers to ensure their industry makes a just transition. 


Representatives from industrial sectors will bring messages and practical examples of bold commitments and action to reduce emissions, drive innovation, growth, manage risks within their businesses.



  • Jen Austin, Policy Director, We Mean Business


  • Carlos Sallé Alonso, Chief Energy Policies Officer, Iberdrola
  • Carol Blázquez, Head of Innovation & Sustainability, Ecoalf
  • Vanessa Perez Cirera, Global Deputy, Climate & Energy, WWF International
  • Ola Göransson, Deputy Director, Climate Division, Ministry of Environment, Sweden

4. TED Talk

Implementing industry commitments to Net Zero

  • Maria Mendiluce, Managing Director, WBCSD

5. Innovation to 1.5°C - Leveraging key technologies and solutions

Fireside Chat Format - Informal conversation between Moderator and 4 speakers.


Session context

The transformation of our economies must accelerate to deliver the 1.5°C objective. Industrial transformation lies at the core of driving this change across markets. Digitalization and other technological advancements (such as Hydrogen, Batteries etc) are revolutionising industrial processes across entire industries, with massive potential across supply and demand value chains and geographies.


What are the key technologies that will shape the new industrial revolution?

What key challenges lie ahead for heavy emitting and hard to abate sectors to move towards net zero while ensuring a just transition?



  • Majda Dabaghi, Director Inclusive & Green Growth, ICC


  • Javier Bonaplata, Head of Strategic Projects, Arcelor Mittal
  • Antoine Badinier, Deputy Vice-President, EDF Hydropower Generation and Engineering Division, EDF
  • Gayle R. T. Schueller, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, 3M
  • Samantha Smith, Director, Just Transition Centre


6. TED Talk

Finance to drive systems transformation in industry  

  • Benoît Felix, Managing Director, Global Head of Structured Finance, Banco Santander

7. Transformation enablers to 1.5°C:  Carbon Pricing & TCFD

Fireside Chat Format - Informal conversation between Moderator and 3 speakers.


Session context

The transformation of our economies must accelerate to deliver on the goals of the Paris Agreement – and industrial transformation lies at the core of driving this change across markets. Investments in the energy systems transformation, guided by a carbon price can help efforts to reach net-zero emission globally over the course of the century and support the near-term acceleration needed whilst supporting societies’ development.


The session will highlight the role of carbon pricing and international markets in helping accelerate systems transformation. It will also demonstrate how companies are leveraging the TCFD recommendations to deliver better financial information to drive corporate change and financial reporting on climate risks and opportunities


  • Shari Friedman, Senior Strategist, IFC – International Finance Corporation


  • Anirban Ghosh, Chief Sustainability Officer, Mahindra Group
  • Ramiro Fernandez, Director of Climate Change, Avina Foundation, and Advisor High Level Champion of Chile
  • Wade Crowfoot, California Secretary for Natural Resources

8. Concluding Remarks

  • Karl Vella, Climate Policy Manager, WBCSD

9. The Road to 2020

  • Gonzalo Muñoz Abogabir, High-Level Champion, Chile