MPGCA: Industry Action Event

Driving industry ambition and action to deliver net-zero by 2050 and build climate resilience


• John Revess, Director Net Zero Transformation,


Systems transformation to achieve a net-zero, resilient future


Systems transformation in industry to achieve a net-zero and resilient future

Format: Welcome.

Speaker: John Revess, Director Net Zero Transformation, WBCSD


Format: Opening keynote.


  • Peter Bakker, President and CEO, WBCSD
  • Gonzalo Muñoz, High Level Climate Action Champion
  • Agustina Besada, Co-Founder, Plastify


Pathways for industry transition to net-zero and critical actions to keep 1.5C alive

Format: Panel discussion.

The session will bring together a diverse set of stakeholders to highlight critical actions needed by each actor to transform industry. Building on the MPGCA Climate Action Pathway for Industry, the session will seek to amplify the various milestones ahead and what is required by each stakeholder group to make the future we want a reality through a just transition. Representatives from key stakeholder groups will also bring messages and practical examples of bold commitment and actions to reduce emissions, drive innovation and accelerate the transition.


  • Claire O’Neill, Managing Director, Climate & Energy, WBCSD


  • Sanda Ojiambo, ED & CEO, UN Global Compact
  • Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, ITUC
  • Mr. Antoine Frérot, CEO, Veolia
  • Salvador Achondo, Co-Founder, 2bak


Critical themes to accelerate industry transition


The role of Circular Economy for impactful and sustainable Industry Transformation

Format: Panel discussion.

The circular economy contributes to decoupling growth from resource extraction and addresses climate issues by reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to 39% by 2032 (Circularity Gap Report). Additionally, as 90% of biodiversity loss is due to the extraction and processing of materials, fuels and food, a circular economy will also mitigate biodiversity loss. To achieve a circular economy, companies will need to collaborate along their value chains to develop new business models and move away from the linear model to a circular one. This session will explore the impact of the circular economy on key industrial sectors of the economy, taking the example of the built environment as a critical demand-side system that makes up 40% of global resource use and 40% of global GHG emissions.


  • Dame Jo da Silva, Global Director of Sustainable Development, ARUP


  • Benoît Bazin, CEO, Saint-Gobain
  • Andreas Berger, CEO, Corporate Solutions, Swiss Re
  • Carolina Carrera, CMO, Mercado Circular
  • Ulrich Scharf, CEO, SkillLab


Industry Leadership to 1.5°C and Net-Zero


Turbocharging industry decarbonisation of the “need-to-abate” sectors through public-private partnerships

Format: Panel discussion.

This session will:

  • Demonstrate progress in key industrial sectors and explore further action/collaboration required.
  • Showcase the commitments, C-level collaborations, and roadmaps in MPP focus areas (cement, chemicals).
  • Bring government senior voices to showcase commitments to the demand side, buying and investing in new technologies and incentivizing green procurement.
  • Highlight the systemic change and economic orchestration necessary decarbonize “need-to-abate” industries through a lens of ambition, concrete plans and roadmaps, transparency and clear evaluation metrics, and adequate funding.


  • Anthony Hobley, Co-Executive Director, Mission Possible Partnership, and Executive Fellow, World Economic Forum


  • David Livingston, Senior Advisor, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, US State Department speaker
  • Dr Markus Steilemann, CEO, Covestro
  • Fernando A. Gonzalez, CEO, Cemex
  • Faustine Delasalle, Co-Executive Director at Mission Possible Partnership and Executive Fellow at the World Economic Forum


Amplifying ambitious signals from consumer sectors to net-zero

Format: Short keynote introductions followed by campaign videos.

This session will feature a series of videos from emerging campaigns such as the Race to Zero Breakthrough Campaigns as well as WBCSD SOS1.5 Net Zero Action Platform. The videos will be introduced by high level representatives who will amplify the aims and objectives of the respective campaigns.


  • Retail Campaign video: Karol Gobczynski, Head of Climate and Energy, Ingka Group (IKEA)
  • Consumer Campaign video: Thomas Lingard, Global Climate and Environment Director, Unilever
  • SOS1.5 Video SECTION 4:



Leveraging the role of finance, technology and policy to drive industry transformation

Format: Panel discussion.

The session will highlight the role of key enablers such as finance, technology, and ambitious policy to help accelerate systems transformation. 5 It will explore how leading industries are critical finance levers as well as new technology innovations to drive the change needed. Key representatives will also outline the key policy levers needed to support and drive more ambition and action from industry to transform.


  • Shari Friedman, Managing Director, Climate and Sustainability, Eurasia Group


  • Hervé Duteil – Head of Sustainability, BNP Paribas Americas
  • Alistair Dormer, Chief Environment Officer and Executive Vice President, Hitachi Ltd.
  • Marina Grossi, President, CEBDS
  • Sriya Sundaresan Co-CEO, Transition Zero
  • Sharon Ikeazor, Minister of State for Environment, Federal Republic of Nigeria (pending final confirmation)

14:05 -14:15

Closing Remarks

Format: 1-2-1 conversation.


  • Agustina Besada, Unplastify Argentina
  • Maria Mendiluce, CEO, We Mean Business Coalition