The CTCN – operational arm of the Technology Mechanism – is planning a technical workshop on gender-responsive Technology Needs Assessments

1. Welcome


2. Keynote: Strengthening Gender considerations in Technical Needs Assessments for implementation of the Paris Agreement - Women Gender Constituency


3. Keynote: Strengthening gender considerations in technology priorisation, development and transfer - Silvia Ribeiro, ETC Group


4. Keynote: CTCN - Gender Mainstreaming in Technology Processes - Karina Kolbrún Larsen


5. Keyonte: Gender Mainstream in TNA - Ala Druta, TNA Project Consultant, CIS countries


6. Keynote: How has a gender been incoorporated by countries since the launch of the TNA gender guidance - Sara Traerup


7. Ayesha Constable - Jamaica


8. Questions


9. Closing